From Seed to Serving
Nutrilite - Uncommon Standards and Quality
Carl Rehnborg's high principles of quality and value have helped shape the NUTRILITE™ brand.
Nutrilite farming practices
There are more than 6,400 acres of NUTRILITE™ farmland, where plants are grown and harvested in accordance with nature - using sustainable, chemical-free methods.
Unique Nutrilite processing techniques
NUTRILITE™ plants are dehydrated and processed within hours of harvest, using special methods and state-of-the-art equipment to capture nature's valuable nutrients.
Measurable Nutrilite quality
Good Manufacturing Practices and a team of quality-assurance experts ensure high quality standards for the NUTRILITE™ brand - so that the supplements produced each month meet precise specifications for quality, potency, size, weight, and hardness.
Leading-edge nutrition science
The search for new concentrates and better formulations remains a constant quest for scientists and researchers of the NUTRILITE™ brand. Their innovative work remains the driving force that keeps NUTRILITE™ products at the forefront of the nutrition industry.
Just-in-time' freshness
Instead of storing our products for months in warehouses, they are carefully packaged and shipped soon after production, to maintain freshness. No other supplements are grown, harvested, processed, and shipped in this way. The NUTRILITE™ advantage extends from seed to finished product.
NUTRILITE™ Farms - In Co-operation with Nature
NUTRILITE™ is the only global vitamin and mineral brand to grow, harvest and process plants on their own certified organic farms. Wherever we grow the ingredients used in NUTRILITE™ products, the crops are grown in accordance with nature.
• We avoid the use of synthetic pesticides, herbicides, and fertilisers.
• We replenish the soil, rather than depleting it.
• We use natural, environmentally-friendly methods to control weeds, insects, and other harmful predators.
• A requirement of all the farms supplying botanical materials adhere to the NUTRICERT™ farm certification program - ensuring that these farms adhere to our own organic farming philosophy, guided by sustainable, organic principles.
• By owning and maintaining control over our own NUTRILITE™ farms, we can ensure that our supplements contain only high quality ingredients.
• Quality from the ground up.
• NUTRILITE™ Farming Around the World
• Our organic farming operations are truly multinational, with over 6,400 acres in California, Washington State, Mexico, and Brazil.
NUTRILITE™ - We Never Compromise on Quality At the NUTRILITE™ manufacturing facility, our standards of quality in manufacturing are as much a part of our company culture as our natural farming practices. Clean rooms and well-cared-for equipment are one measure of excellence; another is the level of expertise demonstrated by Nutrilite staff throughout the manufacturing process.
• Plants are harvested at their nutritional peak and transported as quickly as possible to our dehydration facility.
• The concentration process uses specialised equipment in a state-of-the-art facility to dehydrate, mill, and extract nature's richest nutrients from the plants - creating the world's finest nutritional concentrates.
• Each batch of concentrate powder is tested to ensure it is free of contaminants and of proper potency.
• Computer-controlled scales measure the exact weight and amount of each concentrate powder.
• The various powders are then blended into a single, uniform mixture.
• The powder blend is compressed into tablets, coated with a special solution for easier swallowing, and inspected closely for cracks or chips.
• Finished tablets are sealed in specially-designed containers to maintain freshness.
Although not required, we choose to follow Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) to ensure that NUTRILITE™ products are safe, properly identified, and of the highest quality.
Every NUTRILITE™ supplement carries a promise: